10 Moments When Marvel Movie Villains Proved They Weren't All Bad

2. Loki Sacrifices Himself (Thor: The Dark World)

After having first tried to betray his family in order to take the throne of Asgard in the first Thor movie, and then having tried to forcefully take over Earth with an alien army in the Avengers, Loki was locked up in the dungeons of Asgard and essentially left to rot. That is until a universal threat in the form of Asgard's old enemy Malekith emerged. Thor approached his estranged adopted brother asking for help out of pure desperation. He knew that Loki's ability to exit Asgard undetected, his fighting ability and his magics could help in the fight against Malekith's forces. In a battle in Svartalfheim in which Thor and Loki took on Malekith and Kurse, Kurse had fairly easily bested Thor in battle. However, Loki saw his opportunity to fatally wound Kurse and took it, helping his brother in the process, but not without receiving a seemingly mortal wound himself. Of course, Loki would later be revealed to have survived this encounter, but the fact that he would save his brother and receive a severe injury in doing so shows that he definitely has some goodness left in him.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.