10 Moments When Marvel Movie Villains Proved They Weren't All Bad

3. Trevor Slattery Reveals He's An Actor (Iron Man 3)

Iron Man 3 saw a mysterious bearded man, claiming to be "the Mandarin", taking responsibility for a number of terrorist attacks across the globe that had killed thousands of people and injured many more. This led Iron Man himself, amongst others, to believe that the man who needed to be apprehended was the man talking in the video - a man who apparently had no qualms about murdering on a large scale. As it turned out, the bearded man was actually Trevor Slattery €“ an alcoholic British actor who was used as a front to allow the real Mandarin - Aldrich Killian - to work undetected. The bumbling Brit claimed to know nothing of the atrocities committed in his name. However, while that might not actually true, he at least wasn't quite as vile an individual as the people who were actually responsible for the acts of terror.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.