10 Moments When Marvel Movie Villains Proved They Weren't All Bad

8. The Silver Surfer Explains He's Serving Galactus (Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer)

Granted, we all know that the Silver Surfer is predominantly a heroic character in the comic books, but that certainly wasn't the way he was initially presented in his one and only movie appearance to date. When the Surfer arrives on Earth, large craters start appearing as he prepares it for destruction and Reed Richards deduces that every planet that the Surfer visits dies eight days after his initial arrival. This, of course, leads everyone to believe he is an evil character who takes pleasure from destroying inhabited, civilised planets - but that isn't the case at all. In the Black Forest, when the military are aiming to bring the Surfer down, he confronts Sue Storm and reveals he is merely a servant to the destroyer of worlds, Galactus, in order to keep his family safe and regrets the destruction he causes. In the end of course, he not only brings Sue back to life after she is killed, but also destroys his own master and saves Earth.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.