10 Moments When Marvel Movie Villains Proved They Weren't All Bad

9. Sandman Floats Away (Spider-Man 3)

At the end of Spider-Man 3, Spidey and Harry Osborn (with the Green Goblin gear) battle Venom and the Sandman on a scaffolded building. When the battle is over and only Spidey and the Sandman are left standing, Flint Marko explains to Peter Parker that, when he killed his Uncle Ben, it was a complete accident. He explains that he needed money to help his ill child, and all he meant to do was take money without anyone getting hurt. When Ben intervened, his accomplice grabbed his arm and his gun accidentally went off, killing Peter's Uncle. Peter forgives Marko and the would-be villain dissolves in to sand and floats off peacefully in to the city.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.