10 Moments When Marvel Movie Villains Proved They Weren't All Bad

6. Mystique Gives The Location Of Magneto's Base (X-Men: The Last Stand)

Having served unconditionally at Magneto's side in both of the first two X-Men films and the beginning of the third, it all went wrong for Mystique in X-Men: The Last Stand. When she is captured by the government during an attempt to gain information about the mutant "cure" at Worthington Laboratories, Magneto initially turns up to save her. During a fight scene in which darts containing the cure are being fired at the mutants, Mystique jumps in front of Magneto to save him from being hit by one. As a result, her mutation disperses and she becomes a normal human woman - and rather than being appreciative of her sacrifice, Magneto dismisses Mystique as no longer being an ally and leaves her naked on the floor. As a result, she is later seen giving the government everything they need to know about Magneto's plans and whereabouts. Although while this might simply be a case of a woman scorned, it also shows that there is at least a hint of a conscience and empathy towards humans in Mystique's brain.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.