10 More Actors Tricked Into Appearing In Movies

9. Chris Rock Was Told Steven Spielberg Was Involved - Bee Movie

X-Men The Last Stand Halle Berry

2007's cult animated film Bee Movie - which has enjoyed a peculiar resurgence in popularity in recent years - features a supporting vocal performance from Chris Rock as Mooseblood the Mosquito, a part which only came about due to some hilarious subterfuge on the part of writer-star Jerry Seinfeld.

Seinfeld apparently had a tough time convincing Rock to lend his voice to the project, and so according to Rock, he simply exaggerated how involved Steven Spielberg was with the project.

In a Collider interview, Rock said:

"[He] actually told me Spielberg was going to be in it, and when I get there, there is no Spielberg. So, he kind of owes me. I don't know how. I'm just gonna hold on to that chip and just figure out when I get to cash it in."

Though Spielberg was instrumental in the film going into production after hearing a pitch from Seinfeld, he had no creative input in the end product nor did he appear in the film in any capacity.

And so, Rock was blatantly duped by the promise of rubbing shoulders with Hollywood royalty, but seems to have taken the ruse in good humour regardless.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.