10 More Actors Who Got High To Shoot Their Movies

6. Danny Dyer - Human Traffic

Danny Dyer As Moff In Human Traffic 1999
Fruit Salad Films

For a while there, Justin Kerrigan'€™s Human Traffic was basically the bible for the club generation, offering a beautiful tale of a lost weekend of drink, clubbing and copious drugs, with romance and music heaped on in droves. It captured a moment perfectly, and that moment was when the drugs kicked in.

Particularly authentic was the film's take on actual drug use - something that was both glorified and analysed truthfully - as the actors all sold their ecstasy highs particularly convincingly. For some of them, that wouldn't have been too much of a problem, since at least one of them was actually high at the time.

Danny Dyer retrospectively admitted that he got the job as cheeky wideboy Moff by openly confessing that he loved taking drugs in real life, and that his drug taking and acting converged somewhat for Human Traffic:

"He wanted someone who knew what he was talking about. It was six weeks of debauchery. It's weird for me to watch it now. That's me out of my nut on screen!€

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