10 More Actors Who Got High To Shoot Their Movies

5. Michael Rapaport - True Romance

True Romance
Warner Bros.

Michael Rapaport plays Dick Ritchie in True Romance, the aspiring actor and friend to Clarence (Christian Slater), and who was charged with being part of the hilarious drug deal on a rollercoaster sequence.

Sadly for Rapaport, being on a rollercoaster didn't really fit with his constitution, and he ruined the first take by vomiting. To get through it, the film-makers decided drugs were the only option:

"The second time, they sedated me. Some shots show me smiling because I'm drugged out of my mind, and some show me crying because I honestly thought I was going to crap."

Director Tony Scott later admitted the extent of what Rapaport took:

"Pinchot was s****ing himself, and Rapaport was so scared that he dropped a bunch of Quaaludes and couldn't say his lines."

It might not have been quite as criminal as some of the other stories, but watching the scene back you can see flashes of how strung out he is...


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