10 More Actors Who Made Sure They Weren't Seen In Movies

9. Simon Pegg - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Billy Bob Thorn U Turn

You might not know the name Unkar Plutt, but even casual Star Wars fans will likely remember the stern, hatchet-faced junk dealer who Rey (Daisy Ridley) deals with on Jakku in The Force Awakens.

If nothing else, Plutt's gravelly, deep-voiced utterance of "One quarter portion" is surely burned into our collective psyches.

And while it was probably fair to assume that Unkar Plutt was simply portrayed by a random extra, he was in fact played by Simon Pegg, a long-time friend of director J.J. Abrams who evidently used his clout to nab a small part in the historic movie.

But the production ensured you'd never guess the character was being played by Pegg, because he was concealed under two layers of makeup for good measure - one practical, one digital.

To bring Plutt to life, Pegg wore a bulky suit complete with a prosthetic mask, and to make sure Pegg's eyes and mouth weren't recognisable, they were replaced digitally in post-production.

CGI was also used to make Plutt's face look even more menacing, far from Pegg's own approachable countenance.

The Force Awakens was certainly packed with smartly concealed cameos, but while you had a faint chance of noticing Daniel Craig's voice as the Stormtrooper mind-tricked by Rey late in the movie, there were basically no obvious tells who was playing Plutt.

Even Pegg's voice had clearly been digitally altered or dubbed-over entirely to keep his presence under wraps.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.