10 More Actors Who Visibly Hated These Movie Roles

5. Michelle Williams - Venom

Twilight Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart

Venom was a film so bad Sony had to make Morbius so it wouldn't be their worst movie anymore.

Starring Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock, it tells the story of a former reporter who must work together with the murderous alien symbiote that is co-habiting his body.

Part of Brock's motivations is his plan to win back ex-girlfriend Anne, as played by the fantastic Michelle Williams. As is always the case with partners in these sorts of films, Anne ends up getting drawn into the mayhem and even bonds with the symbiote herself at one point.

Typical men, always trying to get you back just so they can bond with you. It's disgusting.

Williams has also confessed to having precisely zero clue as to what was happening in her movie. Maybe her and Anthony Hopkins can form a "talented people forced to be in terrible sci-fi films" support group.

It's clear that her heart just isn't in this picture, as she gives a flat rendition of what is, to be fair, a flat character.

Although, unlike with Sir Anthony, her character was back for the sequel.

Dammit, so close.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.