10 More Actors Who Will No Longer Work Together

2. Sylvester Stallone And Richard Gere

Stephen Merchant Ricky Gervais
United Artists/Paramount Pictures

Back in the mid-‘70s, Sylvester Stallone and Richard Gere had both been cast in a drama known as The Lord of the Flatbush, with the flick focusing on a bunch of leather-jacket wearing teens living in Brooklyn, New York. But as Stallone would explain during a Q&A in 2006 (via Ain't It Cool), the pair didn't exactly hit it off on set almost fifty years ago.

According to the eventual Rocky legend, Gere would strut around like he was "the baddest knight at the round table" and got a little carried away as his character during a fight scene improv the two were involved in.

So, with the pair already not exactly being the best of pals at this point, it didn't take much to make Stallone snap after a greasy chicken incident in the back seat of a car.

Despite being told not to get any grease on Sly's precious pants, Gere went ahead and did it anyway.

A swift elbow to the head courtesy of Stallone later, Gere was dumped out of the vehicle and the movie altogether, with Perry King taking over the future Pretty Woman star's role after the director decided they couldn't risk more poultry violence derailing the project.

And to this day, Stallone claims that Gere still doesn't like him, with the pair never sharing a set again since that tense Toyota chicken skirmish.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...