10 More Actors Who Will No Longer Work Together

3. Brad Pitt And The Actors On His List

Stephen Merchant Ricky Gervais

While he wouldn't go as far as to name names whilst promoting his latest flick known as Bullet Train, Aaron Taylor-Johnson did reveal that his iconic co-star Brad Pitt possessed a very specific list of actors.

When talking about the fact the British star also had his own collection of thespians he simply did not want to work with again in the future after a bad experience on set (via Variety), Taylor-Johnson stated that Pitt himself also had two lists: one that contained the names of "good" people he'd be happy to work with again, and a sh*t list of stars who won't be walking around on a set with Pitt again any time soon.

As Taylor-Johnson put it, his co-star simply "wants to bring light and joy into the world and be around people who are there to have a good time".

Don't we all, eh?

So, in order to ensure he doesn't have to put up with any unwanted A-holes when working on any future project, Pitt seemingly keeps track of which stars help create a "good" working atmosphere and those who just make things a little, well, "sh*t".


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...