10 More Amazing Roles Ruined By Terrible Acting

5. Topher Grace (Eddie Brock/Venom) - Spider-Man 3

Predators Royce Adrien Brody
DC Entertainment

The iconic web-slinger known as Spider-Man certainly isn't short in the awesome baddies department, is he? But arguably the coolest and most exciting of the lot is the symbiote ball of chaos by the name of Venom, with that alien eventually attaching itself to Eddie Brock and clashing with Peter Parker's web-head in the comics.

Seeing the popularity of this awesome character, Avi Arad eventually requested for director Sam Raimi to push Venom as one of his third Spidey movie's key villains. However, what could have been a properly legendary live-action big-screen debut for the symbiote soon turned into a bit of a nightmare.

The creepy look of the character itself wasn't exactly terrible, it must be said, and Venom's showdown with Spidey and Harry Osborne late on certainly has its occasionally thrilling moments. But there's just no getting away from the fact that Topher Grace was an odd call for the part of Brock, with the moments which require him to become a genuinely menacing or unsettling presence whenever his face peels out from the goo often falling flat.

Again, it's not that Grace is a terrible actor, but even the That 70s Show star has admitted he was surprised to be chosen in the role. And while the movies themselves aren't exactly game-changing, most will openly admit that Tom Hardy's version of the much-loved character in Sony's Spider-Man Universe was certainly a Brock/Venom upgrade after that first disappointing symbiote performance.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...