10 More Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Terrible Movies

6. The Curse Goes Viral - Truth Or Dare

Malignant Annabelle Wallis

Truth or Dare is a deeply awful horror film in which a supernaturally cursed version of the game causes its participants to end up dead one way or another.

The movie's script is dumb as a brick, full of nonsensical plotting without much in the way of internal logic, hilariously wooden dialogue, poor performances, and unintentionally slapstick-worthy death scenes.

But the screenplay gets one thing right, and that's it's ending. While we as audiences are conditioned to expect that protagonist Olivia (Lucy Hale) will find a way to prevail over the demonic game, she ultimately realises the only way to survive is to prolong it - that is, invite more people to join.

And so, Truth or Dare climaxes with a twist where Olivia uploads a video to YouTube inviting viewers to play, effectively making the game go viral and buying her and her friend Markie (Violett Beane) a ton of time before the curse returns to them.

For a horror movie "hero" to do something so selfish and decidedly un-heroic in the final stretch was a genuine surprise, especially as earlier in the film Olivia made a comment about how she'd choose to save humanity over herself in a disaster scenario. But alas, the truth came out in the end.

This twist set up a sequel which seemed far more interesting than the movie we got, though despite Truth or Dare's massive box office success it hasn't yet materialised.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.