10 More Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Terrible Movies

5. Hartley Is A Secret Conman - Red Notice

Malignant Annabelle Wallis

Red Notice was an attempt by Netflix to deliver their own blockbuster-sized movie to at-home audiences, complete with loony action sequences and an all-star cast.

It is, ultimately, pure white noise of a movie: something to casually eye up while doing the household chores and which might generate the occasional laugh, but is a mostly soulless action-adventure film that feels like it was generated by an algorithm.

The mind-numbingly generic plot does at least take an entertainingly absurd turn at the end, though, when it's revealed that straight-laced FBI agent John Hartley (Dwayne Johnson) was actually in on the focal bejeweled egg heist all along.

More to the point, Hartley was in league with master thief The Bishop (Gal Gadot), the pair being both romantic and professional partners who teamed up to pull off the job.

It doesn't make a ton of sense if you break the movie down and examine every fragment of what passes for a story, but the commitment to such a silly "gotcha!" moment is to be commended, and in turn ensures that the already announced sequel will have a different dynamic between its three central characters.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.