10 More Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Terrible Movies

4. The Best Friend Was A Ghost The Whole Time - Safe Haven

Malignant Annabelle Wallis
Relativity Media

Up until its final two minutes, Safe Haven is exactly what everybody expects from your typical Nicholas Sparks adaptation - a hokey, cornball romantic melodrama filled with questionable acting and embarrassingly chintzy dialogue.

But it climaxes with a twist ending so utterly, hilariously insane as to do the most impossible of things - actually make one want to watch a Nicholas Sparks movie a second time. Yup.

The bulk of the film is focused on a woman, Erin (Julianne Hough), who flees her abusive past and soon gets smitten with a charming local widower, Alex (Josh Duhamel).

Throughout the film Erin hangs out with her neighbour Jo (Cobie Smulders), but in the brilliantly unhinged final two minutes it's revealed that Jo was actually a ghost the entire time.

More to the point, "Jo" is actually Carly, Alex's dead wife who has been watching over them and encouraging their relationship throughout the story.

It's a thrilling ending to an otherwise cheesy romantic drama, and given how drastically the reveal changes the entire context of the story, it makes a second viewing seem genuinely worthwhile.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.