10 More Awesome Sci-Fi Villains Wasted In Terrible Movies

3. Harkonnen - Dune

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Sci-fi fans were exhilarated when they learned that Frank Herbert's space epic, Dune, was being adapted for the big screen. With visionary filmmaker David Lynch at the helm, how could this movie possibly fail?

And the answer is: spectacularly. Lynch's 1984 adaptation of Dune was an ugly, incomprehensible dud. It felt like an hour of exposition was removed from the final reel. As a result, very little of the overly complex plot is explained, leaving viewers scratching their heads throughout.

Lynch's dreamlike style seemed jarring since a lot of the actors played their roles straight, even when they're surrounded by gargantuan worms or the vaginally-faced Navigator.

One of the only aspects of Dune that fits Lynch's hypnagogic style is the villain, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Harkonnen is a bloated, drug-addicted, immobile, boil-ridden, hegemonic dictator. Basically, he is a character that Lynch was born to direct.

Now, the morbidly obese sadomasochist is a lot more cartoonish than in the source material. Watching the depraved baron slay his victims while floating around in his hoversuit looks as ridiculous as it sounds.

But because the rest of this failed adaptation is so dull, this theatrical interpretation of Harkonnen feels deeply needed.


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