10 More Best 'I'm Dead and I Know It' Moments In Apocalypse Horror Movies

6. Seth Rogen - This Is The End

Sunshine Cillian Murphy Death
Sony Pictures Releasing

A rare example of comedic apocalyptic horror now, with the hilarious This Is the End.

At the end of the movie, as Satan is straight-up rampaging on Earth, Jay (Jay Baruchel) ends up getting raptured to Heaven for apologising to Seth (Seth Rogen) for his prior dickish ways.

Jay then grabs Seth's hand and tries to drag him up to Heaven with him, but the beam suddenly starts to falter. The message is clear.

Seth, realising that Jay won't be able to ascend if he keeps hold, willingly lets go, sacrificing himself to ensure that Jay can be raptured.

But as Seth falls directly into Satan's gaping maw and is devoured, this act of self-sacrifice causes him to get raptured as well, with Jay and Seth's divine beams then cutting Satan's todger off for good measure.

That this is all set to Whitney Houston's anthemic "I Will Always Love You" is just the icing on the whole damn cake.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.