10 More Best 'I'm Dead and I Know It' Moments In Apocalypse Horror Movies

4. Jericho Kane - End Of Days

Sunshine Cillian Murphy Death

One of Arnold Schwarzenegger's rare forays into horror now, with 1999's largely forgotten End of Days.

Arnie stars as the preposterously monikered NYPD detective Jericho Kane, who attempts to stop Satan from bringing about the birth of the Antichrist on Earth.

At film's end, Kane is possessed by Satan, who then attempts to force himself upon Christine York (Robin Tunney), a young woman who was chosen to be the mother to Satan's child.

Christine eventually manages to get through to the possessed Kane, however, and in his fleeting moments of clarity, Kane throws himself onto a sword in the church, killing himself but assuring that Satan's plan is thwarted.

All the same, given that Satan's ritual had to be completed by midnight on New Year's Eve and that was only about 10 seconds away, it was probably mechanically impossible for Christine to be impregnated by Satan's seed within that time anyway. 

Then again, when the fate of the world is at stake, you can't really blame Kane for not taking any chances here.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.