10 More Best Movie Twists You Genuinely Never Saw Coming

3. Anthony Is A Hallucination - Dead Man's Shoes

Blade Runner 2049
Optimum Releasing

Shane Meadows' Dead Man's Shoes is a criminally under-seen psychological thriller in which a soldier, Richard (Paddy Considine), returns to his hometown to reckon with a group of drug dealers who have tormented his mentally disabled brother Anthony (Toby Kebbell).

Near the end of the movie, Richard's rampage almost complete, the nauseating truth is laid bare: Anthony committed suicide following the group's abuse, and Richard has actually been seeing hallucinations of his late brother throughout the movie.

It completely changes the temperature of the story and the nature of Richard's revenge spree, ensuring most viewers will want to immediately re-watch the film with this new knowledge, that Richard isn't really being accompanied by his brother on his quest.

These twists are incredibly tough to pull off in a post-Sixth Sense world, yet Dead Man's Shoes is a rare example of one that totally fooled everybody, even with a few generous clues being dangled in front of the audience's face (like Anthony wearing the same clothes in flashbacks).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.