10 More Best Movie Twists You Genuinely Never Saw Coming

2. K Isn't The Chosen One - Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049
Warner Bros.

Relatively early on in Blade Runner 2049, it seems to be teeing up the inevitable reveal that replicant K (Ryan Gosling) is the child of Deckard (Harrison Ford) and replicant Rachael (Sean Young).

Given the tendency for belated "legacy sequels" to introduce new heroes with convoluted familial ties to the original leads, it certainly would've been completely on-brand for Hollywood in the 2010s.

And so, what a surprise it was when, deep into the movie's third act, K learns that he isn't the child of Deckard and Rachael, completely obliterating the typical Chosen One arc that had seemingly been carved out for him.

Furthermore, the replicant child ends up being an incredibly minor character, Dr. Ana Stelline (Carla Juri), briefly glimpsed much earlier in the story.

Ultimately Blade Runner 2049 brilliantly bait-and-switches the audience, leading them to believe a garden variety hero's journey is in the works, only to pull the rug out and give K some heroic agency that's very much his own.

In the end, being "Constant K" is enough for him - or as Ryan Gosling's Ken would say, "Kenough."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.