10 More Criminally Underrated Monster Movies You Need To See

8. Q: The Winged Serpent

Deep Rising
United Film Distribution Company

Before the creation of CGI, films like King Kong and Jason and the Argonauts relied on stop-motion to bring monsters to life. Despite being a staple in horror for decades, this form of filmmaking started dying out during the 1980s. In fact, one of the last creature features to rely on this stop-motion is Q: The Winged Serpent.

In this 1982 film, New York is attacked by an Aztec lizard god called Quetzalcoatl. When failed pianist, Jimmy Quinn, stumbles upon Quetzalcoatl's nesting ground, he takes it upon himself to put a stop to this tyrannical serpent.

Although Q sounds like it's going to be a by-the-numbers monster flick, the origins of Quetzalcoatl are more complicated than you'd expect, which makes the story far more intriguing.

Even though the behemoth is pretty cool, what makes the movie work is the protagonist. Rather than depicting Quinn as a loveable hero, he's a manipulative, cowardly, alcoholic ex-con. Although he's trying to save New York from Quetzalcoatl, it's only so he make money out of it! Even though we should hate this guy, portraying our "hero" like this makes all of his scenes endlessly entertaining.


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