10 More Deleted Movie Scenes That Explain Confusing Moments

1. How John McClane Rumbled Hans Gruber - Die Hard

J Jonah Jameson Spider-Man
20th Century Fox

Is John McClane (Bruce Willis) the ultimate action hero? He took on an entire group of terrorists by himself and made it out alive, he dealt with brotherly retaliation, and he took a helicopter out of the sky with a car because he ran out of bullets.

McClane could do the improbable, but at one point during Die Hard he did what seemed impossible. When Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) went in search of the detonators to his explosives, he crossed paths with John McClane, who may well have taken him for a terrorist had the former not been able to pull off a convincing American accent.

He revealed himself only when John had given him a gun, but it was empty all along. McClane knew that "Bill Clay" was one of the terrorists, but nothing Gruber did gave the game away, so how did he know?

According to screenwriter Steven E. de Souza, there was a scene when the terrorists first arrived at Nakatomi in which they synchronised their watches, revealing that they all wore exactly the same style. As McClane took down more and more of the bad guys, he realised this, and even told the police on the ground, so when he saw Bill Clay with the same watch, he knew he was being lied to. Ultimately, the scene was cut as it betrayed that they had brought no ambulance with them as a means of escape = an aspect that was added later to the story, and required a bit of editing earlier in the film to make it work.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.