10 More Deleted Movie Scenes You Won't Believe Actually Happened

9. Arwen And Aragorn's Courtship Days - The Lord Of The Rings

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Deleted Scene Richard Parker
New Line Cinema

Despite eventually unleashing a collection of seemingly never-ending extended editions that came simply stuffed with glorious additional scenes of Middle-earth goodness, it turns out that Peter Jackson did still find a way to leave out a compelling chunk of Lord of the Rings action.

That's according to the King of Gondor, at least, with Viggo Mortensen eventually revealing around the time of the 4K release of the Rings trilogy that he once shot an eventually deleted scene involving Aragorn and Liv Tyler's Arwen during their early courting days.

During said ultimately cut out sequence, Mortensen was said to have been beardless and "prettied up", with the team behind the flicks doing their best to make him look "as young as possible" before dressing him up like an elf. The scene taken straight from the pages, involving the love birds wandering through a flowery meadow, was described as a "beautiful sequence" by the eventual Academy Award nominee.

However, it simply didn't matter how gorgeous this deeper dive into the pair's romantic past was, Jackson simply felt it wasn't needed, and so both Viggo and the rest of the world are still yet to see a moment the actor himself adored shooting.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...