10 More Devastating Horror Movie Deaths You Couldn't Look Away From

5. Ekaterina "Kat" Golovkina - Life

Laying down one's life to protect others is the ultimate sacrifice that a person can make. As such it is hardly surprising that that there is something uniquely devastating about cinematic characters who intentionally sacrifice themselves to protect others.

One of the more harrowing entries in this category takes place in 2017's Life. The star studded sci-fi horror sees astronauts aboard the ISS come into contact with a extra-terrestrial organism from Mars. The organism, nicknamed Calvin, is soon revealed to be a murderous predator, who hunts the unfortunate inhabitants of the space station.

After making a light lunch out of Ryan Reynolds' internal organs, the malevolent alien cripples the ISS' communications systems, prompting ISS commander Kat to execute a space-walk to fix them. Unaware that Calvin is behind the problem, she is attacked in space by the sickening creature. Kat makes it to the airlock but Calvin latches onto her and punctures her suit, filling her helmet with toxic liquid coolant.

In a gut-wrenching twist, Kat decides that she cannot allow Calvin back onboard. Jake Gyllenhall's David howls in despair as he watches his friend drown in silence through the airlock but is unable to tear his gaze away, reflecting the desolate audience's reaction perfectly. As Kat's body drifts away into the vast blackness of space, having heroically laid down her life attempting to protect her crew, the audience can only resist the urge to burst into tears.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.