10 More Disturbing Movie Moments You Never Noticed

8. Central Park Lake Evaporates - Knowing

The Flash
Summit Entertainment

The Nicolas Cage-starring apocalyptic thriller Knowing may be a pretty so-so affair for the most part, but it at least demonstrates the courage of its convictions when the vast majority of life on Earth is wiped out by a solar flare at the end, save for those children rescued from the planet by a fleet of extraterrestrial angels.

The climactic montage shows the surface of Earth being brutally vaporised, New York City's skyscrapers reduced to dust and rubble in fractions of a second.

But if you look closely, the film's VFX artists actually put a stunning amount of work into capturing even the most minor - yet enormously horrifying - details. 

Case in point, as the flare obliterates Central Park, for a few seconds it's possible to spot the park's iconic lake being near-instantly evaporated by the flames, presumably leaving only a dry crater behind.

Props to the VFX team for daring to go into forensic detail to show how horribly Mother Nature could totally wreck the planet if she wanted to.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.