10 More Disturbing Movie Moments You Never Noticed

7. That Random Naked Dude - Twister

The Flash
Universal Pictures

What's more unsettling than a random naked dude in the middle of a family-friendly escapist blockbuster? 

Those who keep their eyes peeled at the roughly 55-minute mark of Twister, just as Jo (Helen Hunt) and Bill (Bill Paxton) drive by a cornfield, might spot an apparently nude man peering out from said cornfield and watching them drive by.

Thankfully the man's modesty is concealed by the field itself, but considering there's no palpable story reason for some naked man to be wandering around in the middle of a storm, it's most likely that this was simply a local passer-by who ended up accidentally caught in the shot.

The filmmakers either failed to notice him during editing, or understandably believed most audiences wouldn't, and considering the millions who've evidently watched Twister without catching this sketchy nude dude, they've basically been proven right.

All the same, in behind-the-scenes and narrative terms, the mystery remains - what the hell was this guy up to skulking around a cornfield in the buff?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.