10 More Disturbing Things Found In The Background Of Horror Movies

5. The Killer's Reflection - Mindhunters

Signs Hand

Renny Harlin's 2004 slasher film Mindhunters revolves around a group of trainee FBI profilers who must attempt to figure out the identity of the killer in their midst before it's too late.

In the third act, the trainees come to believe that the killer must be the man who set the training exercise up, FBI Agent Jake Harris (Val Kilmer), after he seemingly plays a taunting message over the control room's PA system.

But when the remaining characters break into the room, they find Harris brutally murdered and the true source of the message: a video of Harris being tortured by the real killer.

Harris was actually taunting the killer, who then murders Harris just as the video cuts off. But if you look at the static-filled video screen over Harris' left shoulder on the recording, it's actually possible to deduce the killer's identity.

In the reflection of the TV, their faint silhouette can be made out, and gee, of all the characters still standing in the movie, doesn't the outline look a lot like Lucas Harper (Jonny Lee Miller)?

Lo and behold, anyone who spots this eerie detail probably isn't too surprised when Lucas indeed reveals himself to be the true murderous mastermind about 15 minutes later.

Harlin does at least try to make observant viewers doubt themselves, though, by giving Lucas a fake-out death in the meantime, when he's shot by a paranoid Gabe (LL Cool J) but subsequently revealed to have been wearing a bulletproof vest. Sneaky.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.