10 More Disturbing Things Found In The Background Of Horror Movies

4. The Original Map - Blair Witch (2016)

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Now, in the case of 2016's Blair Witch sequel, you'll only spot this unnerving background detail if your eyesight is really damn good.

Deep into the movie's third act, Lisa (Callie Hernandez) heads upstairs in serial killer Rustin Parr's house, and for less than a second, an object can be seen on the floor which should certainly be at least a little familiar to fans of the franchise.

Again, it's far from the easiest thing to spot, but the soggy, papery mass in the corner of the hall is the map from the original Blair Witch Project which Mike (Michael Williams) infamously kicked into the creek in annoyance when he got lost.

The map isn't ever found in the original film, but the sequel confirms that it somehow ended up in Rustin Parr's decrepit abode nearby.

However, this detail was entirely missed upon the film's theatrical release, even with director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett offering $200 to whoever first spotted it.

They eventually doubled the pot to $400, though, and a few weeks after the film hit streaming one fan finally made the discovery.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.