10 MORE Dumbest Decisions In Horror Movies
8. Locking Up The Cannibals - Wrong Turn 4

Sometimes, horror movie characters fight back, and sometimes, every now and then, they win. Whilst Wrong Turn 4 is a garbage movie for the most part, it at least sees our protagonists actually manage to trap a trio of cannibals inside a cell before they lose too many of their group.
Since this group of monsters has brutally murdered, tortured, and eaten a good chunk of their friends - including taking one's head off with a barbed wire noose of all things - it's probably fair for the survivors to ensure they're safe by getting rid of their hunters, no? Especially considering these are literal psychopaths who will stop at nothing to turn them into sweet, sweet human jerky.
But, alas, the group decide they have a big old set of morals instead, and the three cannibals (that have lived in the Sanatorium for 30 years, and you know, probably know a thing or two about it by now) pick the lock to their confinement and kill everyone off in grisly fashion as recompense.
You should've just let Kyle set them on fire guys, Jesus Christ.