10 More Epic Movie Moments You Won't Believe Didn't Use CGI

6. Chris Hemsworth Was Very Much Set On Fire - Extraction 2

Chris Hemsworth fire

It turns out that Chris Hemsworth is the 'God of Fire', too.

While many actors would have likely been happy to simply thump their way through a set full of baddies and have a bunch of flames added to their person in post, this Australian sensation let director Sam Hargrave actually set him on fire during the shooting of the prison sequence in Extraction 2.

That's right, you're very much watching big Chris unleash many a right hook with a genuinely blazing arm here.

With Hemsworth's Tyler Rake punching his way through various swinging foes, the black ops mercenary eventually finds himself being set on fire by a nearby explosion. But that still can't stop him from kicking all of the ass.

According to Hargrave, when talking to Empire Magazine about the pulsating oner, the team had a lot of different jackets with different layers all ready for him to wear during the filming of the prison escape. And he'd also tell Games Radar that Hemsworth ended up being set on fire a whopping seven or eight times on set, with the director noting how "it was amazing, visually, to watch."

It didn't look half bad in the fiery finished article either.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...