10 MORE Forgotten Horror Movie Scream Queens
Honoring more overlooked genre regulars from Linnea Quigley to Debbie Harry.

There is nothing quite like the dulcet tones of a beautiful lady screaming in mortal peril...
From the very beginning of talking pictures it seems that audiences just couldn't get enough of ladies shrieking for their lives. Be it King Kong, The Cat People or The Wolfman, Hollywood has been saturated with one perilous beast after another, and as such there has always been an equally endless supply of terrified ladies to run from them.
With so much attention lavished on the Jamie Lee Curtises and Vera Farmigas dominating the current horror market and owning the moniker of Scream Queen, it's so easy to forget that generations of other women with equally impressive pipes came before them.
With the horror genre spanning over a century, there are many, many more fine genre regulars out there that never get the praise they deserve for the undying loyalty to their exhausting work. Last time were barely even scratched the surface of this endless line of top notch actresses. So, are you ready to scream again?
Join me as we take another dive deep into the horror hall of fame and take a look at 10 MORE unsung horror movie scream queens.
10. Debbie Harry

In 1981 music icon Debbie Harry took her first mainstream acting role in David Cronenberg's body-horror flick Videodrome. Not only did Harry impress with some surprising dramatic skills, but also shocked as she indulged in S&M practices and showed a much darker persona than her usual poppy blonde image.
Although Videodrome didn't ignite a successful acting career, Harry periodically dipped in and out of the genre over the next 3 decades. This began with a starring role in an episode of Tales From the Darkside - her episode The Moth is a rather confusing tale of a dying witch trapped under a glass.
Harry's performance in the episode subsequently got her cast in the 1991 film adaption of the anthology show. Here she plays a housewife planning to cook a young child to serve at her dinner party. The young boy distracts her with 3 horror tales from her favourite book... until Harry ultimately ends up in the oven.
The following year Harry would play the lead in the Showtime original slasher movie Intimate Stranger, playing a phone sex worker targeted by a serial killer and showing some impressive Final Girl wits. Next she would appear in 1993's Body Bags for HBO.
Her final genre appearance to date was a cameo in 2007's Anamorph, bringing her horror tally to a very respectable 5, however we'd love to see her return!