10 More Found Footage Fates Worse Than Death

8. Manipulated By The Lennox Hotel - Followed

Capture Kill Release
Branded Pictures Entertainment

Released last year, Followed is a film that poses the question of how far people will go to achieve online fame.

For those who've heard the tales of the infamous Hotel Cecil in Los Angeles, California, this found footage movie features a variation of that locale called the Lennox Hotel. When fame-hungry social media enthusiast Mike (Matthew Solomon) is offered a big sponsorship deal to explore this haunted venue, he jumps at the chance of getting a hefty payday, bumping up his subscriber numbers and of boosting his burgeoning online presence.

As DropTheMike, Solomon brilliantly plays up the self-serving, self-important blogger persona, nicely delivering a performance that ticks all the right boxes for what makes such figures so obnoxious and irritating to most of us.

When he and his crew head to the Lennox Hotel for three nights, you end up cheering on the spirits and ghouls of the building in the hope that Mike meets a gnarly end. He may not technically die by the time Followed concludes, but Mike is certainly corrupted by the hotel, with him seemingly possessed by the building once the credits hit - and him also becoming some sort of apparition who likewise looks to lure in other would-be bloggers.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.