10 More Genius Ways Movies Fixed Their Own Mistakes

2. Daniel Craig's Plot Hole-Inducing Gloves Were Painted Over With CGI - Skyfall

aragon eye
Sony Pictures Releasing

With a $200 million budget, Skyfall was already a gargantuan project with a mind-boggling number of moving parts, which according to indie filmmaker Charlie Lyne became even more complicated due to Daniel Craig's choice of wardrobe during shooting.

Craig asked director Sam Mendes if he could wear his own gloves for the Shanghai-set portion of the movie, which Mendes agreed to.

However, months after principal photography wrapped and the film was being edited, an editorial assistant called out a soul-shattering mistake.

One of Skyfall's minor plot points involves Bond's gun being hard-coded to his fingerprint, resulting in a beat in the Shanghai sequence where an enemy is unable to fire Bond's gun at him.

The assistant then raised the issue of Bond operating the gun in the scene while wearing gloves, which would seemingly be impossible due to his fingerprint being unreadable through the glove.

Mendes and the film's producers quickly put their heads together to consider the cost of reshooting the entire sequence, before deciding it was simply cheaper and easier to digitally paint over Craig's gloved hands with a fleshy tone.

The end result is near enough indecipherable, but it's certainly an amusingly proactive solution to a major headache of a problem.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.