10 More Glaring Plot Holes You Didn't Realise The Movie Actually Solved

No, Daniel shouldn't have been disqualified in The Karate Kid.

Terminator Sarah Connor

If you look hard enough into the events of any movie, you will always find at least something that doesn't quite add up, whether it is minuscule and inconsequential, or so big it derails the entire narrative. These are typically things that don't obey the logic of the story, or break the rules already established.

With the expectation of a completely watertight narrative, any kind of flaw in the storytelling, something that doesn't make sense or that shouldn't have happened, or indeed the omission of something that should have happened, will always be hunted down and highlighted. Too often these plot holes become the talking point over anything else.

So eager are certain pockets of the internet to find these inconsistencies, a perfectly valid explanation within the film itself is completely ignored. Granted, sometimes these moments of clarity are incredibly subtle and could be easily missed, while others are more obvious. Regardless, they are there, and can definitively alleviate any claim of certain perceived plot holes within the story.

Our 10 Glaring Plot Holes You Didn't Realise The Movie Actually Solved has already pointed out explanations as to how Bruce Wayne returned to Gotham in The Dark Knight Rises, and why the Fellowship of the Ring couldn't simply fly into Mordor, but why stop there when there are so many more plot holes that aren't actually plot holes?

10. Why Was There Gravity In The Dream's Third Level? - Inception

Terminator Sarah Connor
Warner Brothers

Almost automatically, because Inception is a Christopher Nolan film, there were elements and aspects that were confusing. Even after an explanation, things aren't always clear and it takes more than a few rewatches to understand fully, if at all.

One head-scratcher that the 2010 blockbuster presented had to do with gravity and how it affected each layer of the dream the crew were in. The first layer had them driving around in a van before heading into the second layer. When the vehicle drove off a bridge, the next level of the dream subsequently experienced no gravity. This is where the mindboggling fight scene with Joseph Gordon-Levitt jumping all over the hotel corridor walls came from.

However, in spite of level two experiencing no gravity, level three had no issues at all. Feet firmly planted on the ground. This has been taken as a plot hole, but it can be explained by one line from Tom Hardy's Eames.

Before the van hit freefall on level one, there was some rumbling felt on level two that Eames thought was too close to be turbulence from the reality of the plane, and so surmises it must be from the van driver in the previous level. The takeaway from this is that the effects of the upper levels get weaker the deeper they go into the dreams. So by this logic, being more than one level removed from the weightlessness in the van means they are far enough away that they don't feel it.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.