10 More Great Actors Who Played The Worst Versions Of Characters

8. Robert Downey Jr. - Doctor Dolittle

X Men First Class Mystique
Universal Pictures

Say what you will about everyone else on this list, but they never gave a dragon a colonoscopy for our "entertainment."

Much as we all love recent Oscar winner Robert Downey Jr., his first post-Marvel Cinematic Universe project saw him deliver an absolutely head-scratching interpretation of legendary animal-whispering veterinarian Doctor Dolittle.

In live-action terms, Rex Harrison popularised the part in 1967's original musical film which, while divisively received, did net Harrison a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor (Musical or Comedy).

Over 30 years later, Eddie Murphy radically reinvented the character like only he could, and though his two Dolittle movies weren't great either, his boundless energy nevertheless carried both films to box office glory.

As for Downey's effort, much of the criticism focused on his rather bungled attempt at a Welsh accent, requiring much of his dialogue to be very obviously re-dubbed during post-production.

As effortlessly charming as Downey is, this just wasn't the register for him. 

The result was a spectacular misfire of a performance, and that's before we even bring up that climactic rummage inside a congested dragon's colon (seriously, look it up).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.