10 More Great Actors Who Played The Worst Versions Of Characters

7. Halle Berry - Catwoman

X Men First Class Mystique
Warner Bros.

Nobody's going to argue that Halle Berry lacked the sexual charisma or acting talent to play Catwoman in a big-budget movie, but goddamn, 2004's Catwoman solo film missed the mark in basically every way that a movie can.

Even if you can forgive that the script ditches the Selina Kyle moniker in favour of an essentially rebooted Catwoman called Patience Phillips, Berry is given shockingly little to do here beyond drop god-awful quips, especially as most of the action is delegated to eyesore-inducing digital doubles that looked hideous even 20 years ago.

Compared to every other live-action version of Catwoman - portrayed by Julie Newmar, Lee Meriwether, Eartha Kitt, Michelle Pfeiffer, Anne Hathaway, Camren Bicondova, Lili Simmons, and Zoƫ Kravitz - Berry is the consensus last-place and there's little room for debate about that.

Berry ultimately won a Worst Actress Razzie for her performance in the role - an award which she gamely accepted in person, so at least she's got a sense of humour about it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.