10 More Great Actors Who Played The Worst Versions Of Characters

5. Kevin Costner - Robin Hood

X Men First Class Mystique
Warner Bros.

Given that the Robin Hood legend is many, many centuries older than cinema itself, it's little surprise that the mythic outlaw has been portrayed near-countless times across both TV and film.

Some of the more prominent screen Robin Hoods include the great Errol Flynn in 1938's The Adventures of Robin Hood, Cary Elwes in Mel Brooks' outrageous parody Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Russell Crowe in Ridley Scott's 2010 film, and most recently Taron Egerton in the thunderously forgettable 2018 reboot.

But it's impossible to forget Kevin Costner's turn as the character in 1991's Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, for while Costner is a terrifically talented actor with a bevy of remarkable roles to his name this just wasn't one he was meant to take.

Costner playing an English nobleman is laughable enough before we even get to his total lack of an attempt to hide his natural American twang, resulting in a performance that feels hilariously out-of-place in an action-adventure film set primarily in 12th-century England.

The accent debacle proved controversial enough that Elwes even snidely referenced it in Men in Tights, hilariously quipping, "Unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.