10 More Great Actors Who Played The Worst Versions Of Characters

6. Jackie Earle Haley - Freddy Krueger

X Men First Class Mystique
Warner Bros.

Recasting horror icon Freddy Krueger for 2010's A Nightmare on Elm Street remake was a basically thankless task, because for an entire quarter-century, the role had been defined by Robert Englund's singularly skin-crawling performance across all the movies and also TV spin-off Freddy's Nightmares.

But it was tough not to be intrigued when Oscar nominee Jackie Earle Haley was cast - a veteran character actor with an incredible penchant for portraying weirdos, creeps, and general oddballs.

And to Haley's credit, he certainly does his absolute damnedest to deliver a Freddy quite unlike Englund's, yet even if you can forgive the dud script, his work was severely compromised by the terrible, digitally assisted makeup.

Even the film's own makeup artist, Bart J. Mixon, criticised the garish CGI embellishments added to Freddy's facial burns in post-production, in turn encroaching upon Haley's committed effort to reinvent Freddy for a new generation.

It wasn't for lack of trying, but to the surprise of few, Hayley's effort fell far short of Englund's utterly statuesque work in the role.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.