10 More Greatest 'I'm Dead And I Know It' Moments In Movie History

8. Old Joe Gets Erased - Looper

Pirates Of The Caribbean At World S End Beckett
TriStar Pictures

Looper is an especially interesting example because the death in question is technically a suicide, albeit a result of someone being killed by a younger version of themselves.

Or to be precise about it, it's a case of someone being erased from existence entirely when their younger self commits suicide.

At the end of the film, Young Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) desperately tries to stop his older self (Bruce Willis) from killing Cid's (Pierce Gagnon) mother Sara (Emily Blunt), because this is the event which will turn Cid into the all-powerful telekinetic crime boss known as the Rainmaker.

Young Joe realises the only way to stop Old Joe from killing Sara is to wipe himself out, and so, Young Joe turns his gun around and fatally blasts himself in the chest.

When Old Joe realises this, he has a few precious seconds to realise the horrifying, existence-nullifying implications of his younger self's act.

The fear grips his face, and after a beat, he quite literally blinks out of existence as though he'd never even walked the Earth.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.