10 More Happy Movie Endings That Ignored One Devastating Thing

7. Dinosaurs Do NOT Intergrate Well - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

avengers endgame ending

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a ludicrous film that loses its mind in the interest of escalating the plot. We get dino auctions, cloned humans, a business partner for John Hammond that hadn't existed up until that point and a blood transfusion between entirely different animals that is just somehow ok.

But in the end, the dinosaurs who are facing extinction are saved and set free, the best looking heroes survive and the bag guy gets eaten by the T-Rex who only ever seems to turn up JUST in the nick of time. And they all lived happily ever after...

But Wait...

The problem with setting dinosaurs are free is that afterwards there are literally dinosaurs free. There's some ridiculous hokey stuff in there about man and dinosaur living together in harmony, but Owen (Chris Pratt) has just openly expoused the dinos' destruction because that's just not viable.

And so he should have. Releasing several apex predators into a community - like the raptor seen heading towards a peaceful urban community - is asking for trouble. The kind of trouble that eats your kids, takes over the entire neighbourhood and doesn't listen to reason about harmonious co-existence because all it knows is killing.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.