10 More Happy Movie Endings That Ignored One Devastating Thing

2. What About The People Who Came Back In Dangerous Places? - Avengers: Endgame

avengers endgame ending
Marvel Studios

As we wade into the third act of Avengers: Endgame, the heroes manage to pull off the time heist, stealing the Infinity Stones from the timeline and creating their own gauntlet, which Hulk uses to restore the dead who were all lost in the Decimation.

Tony Stark then saves the world when Thanos comes for vengeance, but the long and short of the film is that they undid the snap and everyone who had had their lives taken from them got to live.

But Wait...

Well no, not everyone. For a start, there would have been lots of people who died as a result of the snap who weren't turned to dust. There would have been thousands of secondary casualties, like those travelling in cars, by train or planes whose drivers and pilots popped out of existence. Those cars, planes and trains crashed and people died, but they wouldn't have been killed directly by the Stones, so they couldn't be snapped back to life.

Then there's the people who were returned to the world of the living to the exact spot they were in. If you were in midair on a plane when you disappeared, that's where you would have returned. If you disappeared on a train, you'd reappear on the tracks. In a car, you'd return on the road. There's no way some of these people wouldn't have been killed again and way more traumatically.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.