10 More Hidden Gem Zombie Movies You've Probably Never Seen

1. Dead & Breakfast

Wyrmwood Road Of The Dead

Spoofs are notoriously hard to pull off effectively. For every Scary Movie, you have a Scary Movie 4 and 5. It's even harder when you purposefully attempt to make a 'so bad, it's a good movie, but Dead & Breakfast just about does it by revelling in the schlocky low-budget nature of its own making.

You'll need to look past the cookie-cutter premise of people stuck in an old farmhouse fending for their lives, and the dreadful so bad, it's bad DVD artwork, but when you do you'll find an entertaining, splatter-filled jaunt of a zombie movie that even has a dance number.

Despite its non-existent budget aesthetic, this 2004 feature has surprising appearances by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, David Carradine, and Jeremy Sisto amongst its cast. It's even co-written by Billy Burke, the same actor who played Bella Swan's father in the Twilight franchise. Though it won't be for everyone, anyone willing to take a punt on Dead & Breakfast might find their new favourite Z-movie.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.