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8. Toulon's True Motivation - Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge

Exorcist II The Heretic
Full Moon Entertainment

Puppet Master follows a horde of murderous figurines brought to life by an alchemist, Andre Toulon. Although Toulon is the franchise's protagonist, he pops his clogs in the original movie's prologue, so little is known about him initially.

But considering Puppet Master spawned a dozen sequels, multiple prequels, a crossover, and two spin-offs, it's no surprise to learn the follow-ups shed more light on the puppets' creator. Since the miniature creatures are wicked in nature, it's safe to assume Toulon is cut from the same cloth (especially since he has connections with Nazis).

However, Puppet Master III paints a very different picture of the masterful puppeteer, revolving around Toulon when he worked for a theatre show in Berlin during World War II. When the Nazis discovered Toulon brought his puppets to life with a special formula, they prepared to steal it. After the Nazis murdered Toulon's wife, he vowed to use his puppets to exact his revenge.

Puppet Master III also revealed that each puppet harbours the soul of one of Toulon's associates. In fact, the female puppet contains the soul of Toulon's dead wife. Incorporating this detail to the lore was a great way to humanise the puppets, which were initially perceived as mindless killing machines.


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