10 More Horror Movie Characters Who Didn't Know They Were The Victim
2. Philip Goodman - Ghost Stories

In Ghost Stories, skeptical professor Phillip Goodman (Andy Nyman, also writer-director) is asked to investigate three supposedly real supernatural incidents.
At the culmination of these three stories, we learn that Goodman is actually hospitalised, suffering from locked-in syndrome after a botched suicide attempt in his car.
Basically, the three stories were all concocted by Goodman's consciousness from staff members and objects in his hospital room, Usual Suspects-style, as well as his own guilt-riddled childhood - where he failed to save a tormented mentally disabled boy who died of an asthma attack.
Ultimately the doctors believe Goodman to be in a fully vegetative state with no understanding of his surroundings - which, evidently, isn't true.
The stories represent his brain's attempt to process both his guilt and what has happened to him, while not strictly acknowledging that he's actually confined to a hospital bed forever more.