10 More Horror Movie Characters Who Didn't Know They Were The Victim

2. Philip Goodman - Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories

In Ghost Stories, skeptical professor Phillip Goodman (Andy Nyman, also writer-director) is asked to investigate three supposedly real supernatural incidents.

At the culmination of these three stories, we learn that Goodman is actually hospitalised, suffering from locked-in syndrome after a botched suicide attempt in his car.

Basically, the three stories were all concocted by Goodman's consciousness from staff members and objects in his hospital room, Usual Suspects-style, as well as his own guilt-riddled childhood - where he failed to save a tormented mentally disabled boy who died of an asthma attack.

Ultimately the doctors believe Goodman to be in a fully vegetative state with no understanding of his surroundings - which, evidently, isn't true.

The stories represent his brain's attempt to process both his guilt and what has happened to him, while not strictly acknowledging that he's actually confined to a hospital bed forever more.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.