10 More Horror Movie Characters Who Were Seconds Away From Surviving

1. Hallie - Scream 2

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Dimension Films

Okay I know it's cheeky to double dip on a franchise but I recently rewatched Scream 2, and have to vent about one moment in particular that just so happens to be absolutely perfect for this list.

So, right at the very end of the movie Sidney and her college pal Hallie are being escorted by two of the worst police officers in the world to apparent safety, until Ghostface turns up and dispatches the security detail embarrassingly easy despite them being in a car at the time. Ghostface climbs in and starts living out his wildest GTA dreams before crashing and knocking himself out.

What comes next is an incredibly tense scene where Sidney and Hallie have to climb over Ghostface to escape the car via the passenger seat window. Sidney makes it out, and you expect Hallie to die but to the audience's surprise... she manages to slip out too.

The two take off down the street... only for Sid to turn around and walk back to the car to unmask the killer. In doing so she leaves poor Hallie alone in the middle of the street who, surprise surprise, gets killed by a now-conscious Ghostface who slipped out the car when the pair had their backs turned.

Like, Sid, I know you really needed to know who was tormenting you, but you should be grateful nobody died in that car to begin with!

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3