10 More Horror Movie Characters Who Were Seconds Away From Surviving

2. The Survivors - The Mist

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Dimension Films

A WhatCulture Horror staple, every genre fan knows how devastating the ending of The Mist is. After aliens descend on a small American town via an otherworldly mist, a group of heroes led by Thomas Jane's David take refuge in a defended supermarket.

In classic horror fashion though David quickly realises that desperate humans can be just as threatening as six-legged alien freaks, so he bolts from the supermarket with his son and a couple of other survivors. As the gang drives through the mist the end seems nigh, and their fates appear doomed when the car runs out of fuel.

With one gun and a handful of bullets, David makes the difficult decision to mercy kill everyone in the car and, without a bullet left to finish himself, opens the door to meet his own grisly fate at the hands of the aliens.

It's only then, though, that the military rolls in, tanks and flamethrowers in tow, fighting off the scourge. If David deliberated for just a few more seconds, everyone would have been rescued.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3