10 More Horror Movie Characters Who Were Seconds Away From Surviving

6. Simon - Fear Street Part One: 1994

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Fear Street Part One: 1994 meant business, and it confirmed this by killing off two of the most likeable characters, Kate and Simon, right at the end of the climax.

These two were tasked with running distractions against the supernatural killers while main character Deena attempted to rid Sam of a curse that conjured these monsters in the first place. She eventually succeeds (albeit temporarily, there are two more parts to come after all), but not before Kate's head is put through a bread slicer and Simon gets axed in the brain.

While Kate had no real chance of getting out alive, Simon is offed mere moments before the curse is broken and the killers disappear, making his demise all the more devastating.

Though the actors continue to crossover in the rest of the series playing other characters, Simon himself is missed dearly.


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