10 More Horror Movie Characters Who Were Seconds Away From Surviving

5. Leaven - Cube

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Cube sees five people trapped in a deadly maze, forced to move room to room avoiding traps in the hopes of eventually making it to the end. Among them is Joan Leaven, a smart young woman with a whole lot of compassion.

It's that compassion that ultimately leads to her downfall though. Just as the three remaining survivors, Leaven, Kazan and Worth, are about to escape the cube through the final door, Worth has a change of heart at the last hurdle and decides, actually, he wants to stay behind to die.

Instead of taking her opportunity to escape and saying "your choice, dude", Leaven stops to talk some sense into him.

This gives the psychotic (and presumed dead) Quentin the opportunity to catch up to the group, and impale Leaven from behind (which will become something of a running theme of this list).

When all is said and done, Quentin, Worth and Leaven all die, while only Kazan takes his chance to escape.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3