10 More Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

7. Leatherface's Scream Is Genuine When Accidentally Sawing His Own Leg - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Bryanston Pictures

Few will ever forget the iconic closing stages of Tobe Hooper's horror classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

As Gunnar Hansen's Leatherface and Edwin Neal's hitchhiker chase down Marilyn Burns' Sally Hardesty, things get incredibly intense. 

Firstly, the hitchhiker is run down by a truck, and then the bloke driving the vehicle manages to keep Leatherface away from himself and Sally by launching a wrench at his noggin. And it's here when the horrifying sight of the masked pursuer's weapon of choice accidentally sawing into his own leg left many an audience member wincing.

What makes this moment even more shocking, though, is the fact that it was later said that the late Hansen wasn't required to do that much acting here.

You see, while he didn't actually cut into his own leg, thankfully, he did connect with the metal plate covered by a blood bag. And the heat caused by this friction led to him really burning his leg here, with Hansen fearing he'd made contact with his own flesh for a second.

So, when you hear that sudden - very real - scream let out by Leatherface shortly after the saw cuts through his trousers and seemingly into his leg, just know that this was a combination of the late actor being legitimately burned and somewhat freaked out.

Sure, he may not have suffered a full-on chainsaw incision, but knowing that Hansen was genuinely in pain and fearing the worst whilst the cameras were rolling definitely adds a layer of authentic terror to this beat.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...